We often think about money when we think about giving. At Grace, we think about much more. We think about a mindset that recognizes that all that we have are gifts from God – money, time, family, possessions, talents, and gifts. We desire to be generous people, not clinging tightly to what we have, but ready and willing to use what we’ve been given with generosity and kindness to bless others and serve God’s kingdom.
To help our church family be consistently generous, we have an online giving portal that enables us to give faithfully to the work that God is doing through Grace ministries and missions.
We use Realm church management software for online and mobile giving:
If you'd like to make a gift to Grace, and do not have
an account linked to our church family database,
use link below.
If you regularly attend Grace, then you have a Realm account. If you don't know your username, contact office@graceweb.net. Otherwise, click below to link to Realm, sign in to your account and select Give.
If you regularly attend Grace, then you can link to the Realm Connect App with your Realm username and password. Click below to connect to your app store and get the Realm Connect App. Log in and choose Give to make a donation.